All you need is the desire to do it, time to practice, and consistency.
Everyone, and I mean everyone, can improve their voice drastically and their musicality if they train it.
Unlike what many might think, singing is a skill.
True, some have talent for that skill and are doing it more naturally than others.. but  also these people, if they want to do it professionally and for years and years, they will probably need to get some training at some point to sharpen their vocal control and to make sure they’re not overusing/abusing their voice in the process.
If you’re reading these lines, I assume you have doubts whether or not
to invest in learning how to sing.
I think there is no reason in the world why you shouldn’t sing or invest your time in developing your voice if that’s what you want to do.
Singing is fun and it belongs to everyone.
If you can speak you can sing.
Think no further.